Karie Westermann

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The Treasury Project & Thank-Yous

Maybe I am just too geeky for words, but I recently found a very awesome knitting resource: The Walker Treasury Project.

Every knitter knows that Barbara Walker’s Treasuries are indispensable. We use them constantly for designing, for help with a difficult pattern, and for pure inspiration. Sometimes, though, the mostly black-and-white and small pictures keep us from seeing the full potential of a pattern. That’s where the Walker Treasury Project comes in.

We are gathering high-quality, color photos of all the patterns in all the Treasury books (including Mosaic Knitting) and putting them on the internet as a visual aide to this wonderful collection. Help your fellow knitters by choosing a pattern from a particular book, working up a nice big swatch in a light-colored yarn, and posting it to our blog. We can help you label and categorize everything. Also, keep in mind that we’re not posting the pattern, just the picture!

I do not own any of the Treasuries (although I plan on buying them once that big lottery win becomes reality. Hmm, maybe I should start by actually entering..) but I find the entries absorbing. Imagine this lace pattern forming the main part of a stole, this twisted-stitch pattern cries out to be used on socks or maybe sleeves, and this cable-swatch is just beautiful. I could, and I have, spend hours looking through the pictures.

Thank you to everyone who left me a blog comment, a Rav message or even a Facebook thumbs up for my Echo Flowers Shawl. I am currently struggling with a head-cold (damn sinuses) and am not much online, so I'm sorry if I have not gotten back to you. I really appreciate all the kind words and I promise to write a quick introduction to how I overdye/dye those shawls of mine once I get back to my usual self. Dyeing is not difficult and the end results are lovely. Thank you once again.

Finally, I have cast on a secret birthday project. In fact, it is so secret that you can find it on my Ravelry project page (ha!). It is working up so quickly that I have spent a few hours this weekend poring over my next project. Famous last words..