Karie Westermann

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Sunday Round-Up

"Is Toíbín's Brooklyn a chick-lit novel?" ponders the Anti-Room. Oh, but I have Opinions with a capital O. The commentators at The Anti Room mainly regard the novel as being a relationship novel, a novel about families. "An old-school Maeve Binchy novel", remarks one commentator. I am wondering whether the commentator has read any Maeve Binchy novels or, indeed, if any of the commentators have read Toíbín's book. Brooklyn is not a sentimental book about family and settling down - it is an uncomfortable book about being an emigrée, about the loss of personal identity, and about cultural identity. I wonder if the chick-lit question would have been asked if the protagonist had been male?

Self-Stitched September is bringing out some old knits (as is the crispy weather). I uncovered the very first project I completed after getting back into crocheting/knitting. I am not sure I ever blogged about it at the time (and my current readership would certainly appreciate a refresher, I am sure).

The pattern is Jennifer Appleby's Hot Cross Slouch Beret from Interweave Crochet Winter 2007. I modified the pattern slightly - on purpose! - as the hat was coming out rather dreadlock-sized. I used around 1.2 balls of Twilley's Freedom Spirit - a middling yarn I  use for crocheting rather than knitting - and originally I had added some ceramic buttons from Injabulo but they have since been re-purposed for another project (which I'm tragically still to do). It's a cosy little hat. I just feel very Bohemian every time I wear it.

I also need to do something about those layers my hairdresser put in against my will.

Full SSS update: Serenity (Thursday), Haematite (Friday and Saturday) and Green Crosses/Millbrook (Sunday)

We went bramble-picking yet again today. Last week D put together a bramble crumble which turned out too dry. We'll have a second go (top tip: always use more fruit than you think you need) tonight. My fingers are stained with berry-juices, my stomach is full of lemon drizzle cake from Auntie M's Cake Lounge and I think I'm going to try out for world domination once more.