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In Conversation With Kim McBrien Evans: Making Bodies

Clothes tell stories about who we are — both to the world around us as well as ourselves. Yet fashion is often an area where we are made to feel ‘less than’ — particularly if our bodies do not fit into the high street idea of what an average body looks like. Crafts such as sewing and knitting come with a promise that hobbyists will be able to make clothes that fit them and their lifestyles, but what happens when your body is excluded from your chosen craft?

Knitting designers Karie Westermann and Kim McBrien Evans sit down for a conversation about body positivity, the quest for inclusive garment designs, and how the potential of 'making stuff' is caught between mainstream aspirational branding and the lived realities/bodies of makers.

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Earlier Event: 8 December
Design Your Own Shawl
Later Event: 1 May
Two-Handed Colourwork